This post was the last one in my blog when I've heard about Blogger Quilt Festival. I never ever took part in it before but now I think it's just the time. So I submit the quilt described below for a category "Modern quilt" and enjoy my participation and all other quilts at the festival! Thank you, Amy, for such a wonderful quilt event! Thank all the visitors for coming!Valerija Mezhybovska a.k.a lerusisik
D Es fing im Jahr 2010 an, als das damals neu entstandene IKEA hej community mir vorschlug, einen textilen Workshop zu geben und mir dafür Stoffe schickte. Die Stoffe waren aus Josefin-Serie, typisch IKEA, seltsam, aber interessant.
E It started in 2010 when the IKEA hej community proposed me to give a workshop with their fabrics and sent me fabrics too. The fabrics were typical IKEA-y, strange but interesting.
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(Den kompletten IKEA-Workshop ist hier zu finden. Fragt mich nicht wie man sich da orientieren kann, aber es gibt meht Fotos in den Kommentaren)
E This is one of those fabrics - IKEA Josefin. Nice for a kitchen-themed workshop, isn't it? I've made some kind of kaleidoscopes out of it, sewed them to a quilt top and stopped there (I had only one week for 4 workshop item). In other words, I've made another UFO.
(If you're interested you can find the workshop in German language here. Don't ask me how to navigate there, but there are more photos in the post and in comments)
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E I have the huge UFO box at home, but it was this top that didn't want to leave me in peace. So I gave up: I took the whole thing apart save the pseudo-kaleidoscopic squares and used my improved design skills to make a new layout:
D Die aktualisierte Version des Quilttops war im Nu fertig, nun war das Quilting dran. Die freigequiltete Schnörkel kamen überhaupt nicht in Frage, das Quilting sollte minimalistisch sein, so etwa wie gerade Linien vom Rand zum Rand. Am Ende war das Design nicht so minimalistisch: ich quiltete 2 riesige Spiralen und füllte die Lüken doch mit geraden Linien aus.
Die Spirale sind ganz einfach zu quilten mit dem Transporter, man muss nur die erste Runden markieren, weiter geht's immer füßchenbreit. Meine Markierungen habe ich mit einem Aqua-Trickmarker gemacht. Sehr vorsichtig mit einer Pinsel waschte ich die Linien ab und wehe! Die IKEA-Stoffe färbten ab! Natürlich soll man die Stoffe für die Kaleidoskope nicht vorwaschen und ich waschte sie nicht vor! Und der Quilt ist beinähe fertig! Mit der Enttäuschung kämpfend, mache ich schnellst das Binding, werfe den Quilt in die Waschmaschine mit mehreren Farbfangtücher; wasche ihn, lasse zum Trocknen au dem Bett. Nun ist es mir unklar, ob es die Farbreste oder nur die Nahtzugaben durch den hellen Stoff sichtbar sind.
E The top was ready and waiting to be quilted. The free motion curls and tendrils were out of question, the quilting had to be minimalistic, like straight lines from edge to edge. Still not so minimalistic: I made two huge spirals and filled the rest with straight lines.
The spiral quilting is very simple, there are enough instructions in the internet. I marked only the starting loop of spiral with a water soluble marker. Washing the marking lines away, the IKEA fabric started to bleed! I should have known this, I didn't prewash fabric to get the perfect kaleidescopes. It was really, really frustrating. I promptly finished the quilt and washed it with a ton of color catching sheets. And still something is visible and I really don't know if it's the traces of color or just the seam allowances.
D Auch das Photoshooting klärt das nicht ab. Im Gegenteil: jede fast unsichbare Abweichung sieht auf dem Foto vergrößert und verstärkt aus, jedes Fältchen wie ein Berg.
E The photo shoot didn't help me to show the quilt: every barely visible bump on the quilt looks like a mountain and every spot of light as stain.
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E The back side of the quilt proves my words: actually the color squares are not visible from this side.
D Ich habe vor, den Quilt fürs QuiltCon 2015 einreichen. Da er beinähe weiß ist, die Quadraten beinähe Kaleidoskopen sind und die Quadraten beinöhe im Raster stehen, will ich ihn "Nearly" - "Beinähe" nennen.
E I'm going to submit the quilt to the QuiltCon 2015. The quilt is nearly white, the squares are nearly kaleidoscopes, the layout is nearly grid - so I'll call it "Nearly".
It is a great modern quilt1
ReplyDeleteBeautiful quilt- I love what you did with the fabrics. And the concentric circle quilting is very cool.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great use of that fabric!! I love your final layout and the quilting is great! Good luck at QuiltCon.
ReplyDeletethank you! it's so exciting, I've never been at the QC before.
DeleteThis is very interesting! Great job!
ReplyDeleteI really like this it, is so interesting to see what you have created with such a potentially complicated fabric. The quilting really compliments it
ReplyDeletethank you! I love IKEA fabrics, almost all of them, but I find little or no understanding among my quilt friends
Deletetrès original par sa simplicité j'aime beaucoup
ReplyDeleteYour use of this fabric is absolutely fantastic. I love the offset squares and making 2 of the centre for the quilted circles was a great idea.
ReplyDeletethank you very much, Hilary! I'm your fan and I'm very happy that you like the quilt.